Frequently Asked Questions
Woombye Care
Have a question that’s not on this list? Call us today for a chat and we’ll do our best to solve your query.
May I bring my pet with me?
Unfortunately, due to health and safety issues residents may not bring their animals with them. However, family and friends may bring your pets to visit you.
What is the A.C.A.T?
Admission to a Commonwealth funded Residential Care facility is firstly by means of an assessment. A Government approved panel called the “Aged Care Assessment Team” (A.C.A.T) perform this task free of charge, preferably in your own home. For more information on this process, see the A.C.A.T website.
What are Accommodation Bonds?
An Accommodation Bond, in relation to a person, means an amount of money that does not accrue daily and is paid or payable by the person for the person’s entry to a residential care service or flexible care service through which care is, or is to be, provided by the residential care service and in respect of which the approved provider holds an allocation of places.
What is Dementia?
Dementia is a broad term used to describe memory loss along with changes to thinking ability, social skills and emotional responses. It is caused by deterioration in several areas of the brain.
A person with dementia may find it harder to do previously familiar tasks, such as writing, reading, showering and using numbers.
The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, the cause of which is unknown. Although Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of ageing, it is more common in older people and may affect about one in four people over the age of 85. Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia, associated with problems in the flow of blood to the brain.
What are the early signs of Dementia?
Dementia can happen to anyone. One of the first signs that a person may have dementia is memory loss. Due to changes in the brain, memory loss in dementia gets worse and happens more often, not just sometimes. People with early dementia may:
- find it harder to remember people and events, especially recent events;
- find it harder to perform familiar tasks;
- be confused about time and place;
- be unable to say what they think;
- have problems understanding what others are saying;
- misplace things;
- have less ‘get up and go’; and
- find it hard to manage money.
As there are many conditions that have similar early signs to those of dementia, it is important to visit a doctor to find out what is causing the memory loss or other problems.
What happens when someone has Dementia?
The brain controls all that a person does and says. When someone has dementia sections of the brain gradually become damaged and stop working properly, affecting what that person does and says. This means that a person with dementia will often have trouble speaking, understanding and remembering. It may also change their behaviour. A person with dementia may:
- be unable to do everyday tasks such as eating, dressing or driving;
- display strange or uncharacteristic behaviours;
- become easily upset or confused;
- be unusually aggressive or suspicious;
- jumble and confuse their words; and/or
- gradually lose their ability to communicate through written language.
How do I know if I need to move into a high care or low care facility?
Your individual care needs will be assessed by the A.C.A.T who will then advise Woombye C.A.R.E of your requirements.
Are there any rules or regulations for living at Woombye C.A.R.E?
For your peace of mind, all residents are required to adhere to the simple regulations set out in the “Residents’ Welcome Handbook” provided to all incoming residents to ensure the comfort and convenience of all.
What is an RAD?
An R.A.D. is a Refundable Accommodation Deposit.
It is an accommodation payment that:
(a) does not accrue daily; and
(b) is paid as a lump sum.
What is a DAP?
A D.A.P. is a Daily Accommodation Payment.
It is an accommodation payment that:
(a) accrues daily;
(b) is paid on a regular basis; and
(c) is not refundable.