Woombye Care
What to expect at Woombye Care
Moving into an aged care facility can be daunting for some. Below you’ll find an outline of our services, so that you can know what to expect when you stay with us at Woombye Care. Our friendly staff will assist you in adjusting to your new home by making the transition as smooth as possible. We strive to offer residents a secure, supportive environment where dignity, independence and privacy are respected.

What to Expect
Your own room

All meals are provided for, according to a rotating menu which we regularly alter in consultation with residents. Our menus are annually reviewed by a dietician so you may rest assured that your nutritional needs are being met. Alternative items are always available for those with allergies or special needs. You also have the use of one of the kitchenettes to prepare tea, coffee and snacks as well as a spacious dining are to enjoy your meals in.
Laundries are conveniently located on-site. Normally, staff would look after residents personal laundry, however if residents wish to do it themselves they may.
Residents can enjoy the comfort and privacy of their own bedroom, complete with private ensuite bathroom. You may furnish your room with your own possessions, or you may like to use furniture provided by Woombye Care. Residents are encouraged to truly make the room their own by bringing pictures, photos and decorations from home. All rooms come equipped with wall fans and heaters for temperature control as well as Nurses Call System in case of emergency. Communal facilities are also available throughout the buildings for use by all residents.

Care Services
Personal care services are given to any person who requires help with:
- Bathing and/or showering and personal hygiene
- Dressing and grooming
- Meals, i.e. suitable meals including special/soft diets and assistance if required
- Mobility, e.g. assistance in and out of chairs, bed, etc.
- Staff will also help with the supervision of medications and provide treatments such as eye drops, back rubs and simple dressings. They give support to residents in any rehabilitation programme and to those who become confused or experience loss of memory.
Nangarin is a Government funded lodge offering two levels of care – open hostel and secure accommodation. Our open hostel is for residents who are able to come and go without direct supervision and our secure accommodation offers a special program for those with dementia. The building is built around a central courtyard with a water feature where residents in the secure are have access to walking paths and garden areas. This unit also has beds available for respite care.
Amaroo House

Amaroo House is a Supported Independent Living house which is being run by STEPS Group and has 5 single rooms.

Blythswood is a Government funded building with 20 rooms. All of these are single rooms with ensuites, with 4 of these being built fully to the disabled code.
Woombye Care lodges, such as Nangarin and Blythswood, are registered as Commonwealth-funded Residential Care facilities. Admission to these is firstly by means of a compulsory assessment. A Government approved panel called the “A.C.A.T” (Aged Care Assessment Team) perform this task free of charge, preferably in your own home. For more information on this process, see the A.C.A.T website.
For those wishing entry to Kyewong House, our non-government funded facility, an assessment is carried out privately by Woombye C.A.R.E management prior to being accepted as a resident.
If you believe that the facilities we offer meet your needs, we invite you to visit us prior to making an application. You may like to make return visits to take the opportunity to socialise or share a meal with residents to help put your mind at ease. If you have been assessed as eligible to enter our facility by the A.C.A.T. please contact us to make an appointment with the Admissions Officer to discuss your possible entry and obtain the application form. We will review your application and contact you shortly.
Call now to arrange a visit 07 5458 3500
What does it cost to live at Woombye Care?
All Commonwealth Funded Facilities operate under legislation administered by the Department of Health & Ageing concerning the payment of Accommodation Bonds and fees for board and lodging along with other matters pertaining to hostels.
Accommodation Bonds
Not all residents pay Accommodation Bonds – this is based on your level of assets. Before accepting an Accommodation Bond we are required to assess all applicants’ level of assets, prior to entry. If you wish your financial status to be assessed at your interview you will be requested to supply information regarding your income, investments and assets. A pension statement can greatly assist us if you are able to bring along your most recent copy. These statements are mailed regularly to all pension holders. Priority of entry is given to concessional residents. Government policy states that at least 20% of hostel places be reserved for concessional residents in all Government funded Hostels. In order to be allocated concessional status, you must have completed a Request for Assets Assessment booklet, which is available from any Centrelink office. Alternately, we can post you one.
What ongoing costs will I have to pay?
Your tariff is determined by your income. The lowest rate is calculated by taking 85% of the sum of the Maximum Rate of Pension and the Maximum Rent Assistance. The Government may charge you an additional sum if your income exceeds the level set by them. Details of current rates payable may be obtained from our office. Your accommodation fee is charged fortnightly in advance. Pensioners can arrange for their pension to be paid via the group cheque from Centrelink.