Care Services
Woombye Care
Woombye C.A.R.E offers a choice of lifestyle options tailored to suit you, or your loved one’s individual needs.

Residential Care
All of our residents have access to a wide variety of Care Services including provided meals, mobility and medication assistance, emergency services and laundry. Please see the full list on our Residency page.
Community Care
Community Care is an option available to those who wish to remain in their own homes, rather than living in an aged care facility. Assistance is given with tasks such as bathing, dressing, house cleaning, laundry, organising appointments and preparation of meals. Woombye Care offers Community Care Packages, partly funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Community Aged Care Packages Scheme. To learn more about Government Aged Care Services go to Those wishing to take advantage of this scheme require assessment to ensure their eligibility. The C.A.C.P.S Co-ordinator will then make arrangements to provide you with the necessary services, which vary according to individual needs. If you would like more information or to arrange for an assessment, please contact the C.A.C.P.S Co-ordinator at Woombye C.A.R.E on 07 5458 3500 (direct line) or via email at
Respite Care
Many senior or disabled people are able to stay in their own homes with the assistance of family friend or a carer. Occasionally, while still living at home, an older person may need access to respite or temporary care, to give either them or their carer a short break before returning to their homes. Woombye Care offers respite care in their Nangarin lodge. To be eligible for respite care you must have a current A.C.A.T assessment for respite.
Respite clients are eligible for a maximum of nine weeks respite per financial year. This can be taken in blocks of three to four weeks at a time. In order to allow us to ensure you or your loved one receives adequate care, respite accommodation should be booked in advance. A booking fee must not exceed the equivalent of the fee for one week’s respite care, or 25% of the fee for the proposed period of respite care, whichever is the lesser. If respite proceeds, the booking fee is offset against the care recipient’s daily fees.
Social Activities
As Woombye Care will be your home, you are of course free to continue all your usual activities such as hobbies, going shopping and participating in clubs and groups, as well as visiting friends and having them visit you. Staff will do their best to help you to continue these activities to help you ensure the move to Woombye Care causes as little disruption to your life as possible. A feature that many residents enjoy are the regular bus trips. Residents often travel to local attractions, shopping centres, picnics and events in the comfort of our own 24-seat, air-conditioned bus. We also run several activities throughout the week including bingo, bowls, quiz days, craft and more. Also throughout the year there are special event days such as: Pink Day, Tropical Friday, Melbourne Cup and fortnightly Friday evening happy hour, with monthly entertainers. Relatives and friends may be received in the lounge rooms or your own room, or to visit in the grounds for a picnic and a game of checkers in the BBQ area. While residents are not able to bring their pets to live with them at Woombye Care, friends and relatives are encouraged to bring them for visits during the day. You are welcome to invite your friends to visit you in the privacy of your own room, however, we are unable to allow them to stay overnight. If your friends are visiting from another area and require local accommodation, we advise residents to contact Woombye Care management for advice on alternative accommodation in the surrounding area.